
Rising Energy Costs – What You Can Do Now

The sharp increase in energy costs is presenting Germany with major challenges. The goal now is to reduce consumption and therefore costs with energy-saving tips that are effective and easy to follow.

Wäscheständer mit Kleidung.

Saving Tips for the Home

When baking, use the residual heat of the oven and only fill the kettle with the amount of water you really need. Even small changes have a big effect and help to reduce household electricity costs.

Blick auf ein geschlossenes Fenster und eine offene Balkontür.

Saving Tips for Heating, Ventilation and Electricity

Impact ventilation and keeping different room temperatures constant saves energy and ensures a good indoor environment. In addition, if you switch completely to LED lighting in your home, you can reduce the energy required for lighting by up to 90 percent!

Kind vor einem Fernseher.

Saving Tips for Cell Phones, Tablets & TVs

Stream series and music in an energy-saving way and use mobile devices in an energy-efficient way. The following tips are easy to follow and help reduce consumption and save money.

Savings tips for...

Heating, Ventilation and Electricity
Cell Phones, Tablets & TVs

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